Week Four Assignment: preparation of presentation to elected official Guidelines and Grading Rubric

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare for the professional presentation to an elected official of the selected healthcare concern and the proposed solution. This includes the identification of communication strategies as well as development of presentation content.
Due Date Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4
Total Points: 200 points
For this assignment, the focus is preparation for the presentation to the selected elected official regarding the healthcare concern and the proposed resolution. A video presentation of the healthcare concern and its proposed resolution will be prepared and presented. Following completion of this, a written self-evaluation is required.
Criteria for Content
Video Presentation:
Content: The video presentation is to include the following elements:
Introduction of self
Presentation of healthcare policy concern
Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern
Evaluation of video presentation includes the following elements:
Introduction of self
Presentation of healthcare policy concern
Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern