devry nr501 week 2 discussion dq1 & dq 2

devry nr501 week 2 discussion dq1 & dq 2

dq 1

Significance of a Metaparadigm (graded)

Hi Class, this week’s discussion will focus on the following POs:
Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO#1)

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO#4)

This week, this TD question relates to the course outcome addressing the components of theory and the other professions that utilize theories. We need to consider that nursing is not the only profession which utilizes theories. Many professions developed theories before nursing understood how important they were/are.
Last week, the focus was to consider, in general, the impact of nursing theory on the profession. This week we are going to pull apart nursing theory and take a look at how a theory is constructed. For any profession, it is important to know/identify the metaparadigms that reflect that profession. For example when you think of physical therapy–what do you think of?? When you think of nursing, what critically important elements need to be defined so that if they were left out, the entire profession would be adversely impacted?
For most nursing theorists, the four key elements are: Person, Health, Environment, and Nursing (interesting that nursing is used to define/explain itself!)
So consider all of the metaparadigms (or a different one–there are others) and describe how it is significant to nursing practice. Be sure that you review what is and is not a metaparadigm. Through our discussion we will meet our program outcomes this week to analyze the components of nursing theory. Your posts will reflect your ability to critically think and discuss the application of theory to nursing practice.
Looking forward to your thoughts,
Please answer this question:
How are the four concepts in nursing’s metaparadigm (person, environment, health, and nursing practice) significant to your practice and philosophy of nursing?
dq 2
Research, Theory, and Practice Cycle (graded)
Hi Class, this discussion will focus on the following POs:

Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO#1)

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO#4)

This week, I also want you to consider how the knowledge base that supports the profession grows/develops. Why? Because I want to consider how nursing theory impacts our knowledge base. To do this, you will have to see that nursing theory is different from knowledge. When I use the term “theory” or “nursing theory”, I’m only referring to published works by individuals who try to define/explain the nursing profession. People like Roy, Orem, etc. By reflecting, reading and analyzing theories, we will be meeting the objectives as listed.
So take a minute–draw a circle, and put the three elements along the path of the circle. What happens to knowledge if you start with research? What happens to knowledge if you start with practice? Should research always occur before practice?
Remember, there is no right or wrong answers but use the literature to support your opinion as you analyzed the information.
Looking forward to your thoughts,
For this discussion, answer this question:
Experts describe nursing as a cycle of nursing research, practice, and theory. Experts also propose that entry into this cycle can be made from any point. Explain your agreement or disagreement with each statement.