devry nr501 week 1 discussion dq1 & dq 2

devry nr501 week 1 discussion dq1 & dq 2

dq 1

Importance of Theory in Nursing (graded)

Develop a brief argument for the importance or significance of nursing theory in the profession of nursing. Use a specific nursing theory to illustrate your points.

Welcome to your first threaded discussion! I’m excited to share ideas and experiences with you all in the coming weeks. Be sure to review the information regarding the evaluation of threaded discussion postings located in the syllabus.
All the threaded discussions are tied into the AACN Master’s Essentials on which the program and course outcomes (PO or CO) are based. Every week I will post the program outcome that is listed for each week under “Outcomes”. Here is the PO on which this thread will focus:
Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO#1)
Please reflect on how these outcomes are met through our discussion questions for the week. The questions are not random but developed with this purpose in mind.
The focus of this discussion is on why nursing theory is or is not useful to the nursing profession. Consider your nursing career/experiences to this point–then read the assigned chapter in the textbook. Now apply the information along with your thoughts/opinions. Be sure to cite references that go beyond the textbook! In this manner we will certainly meet the programoutcomes listed above as we look at theories and their components and how they serve advanced nursing.
Looking forward to your thoughts,
dq 2
Historical Phases (graded)
Describe your thoughts about one of the historical phases of theory development.
As you begin this discussion take just one more moment to reflect on the following PO:
Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO #1)

As you consider your comments concerning the historical phases of theory development, I would encourage you to consider some of the following items:
1. Why was the particular phase significant to the time period and to why is it significant to current theory development?
  1. 2. Who were some of the key figures that were present during this historical phase? What specialized expertise and knowledge did they bring both to nursing and to the process of the theory development?
  2. 3. What lessons can we continue to learn from this phase?
  3. 4. How will the future of theory be different because of this development?These are just a few questions to help to frame your thoughts. Please feel free to go beyond these within your response.
I look forward to your thoughts,